Category Archives: Appetizers

And They Lived Happily Ever After

Once upon a time there was a young princess, Sassy.  One day, on the bus to Eilat, she met a fiery young man who turned out to be a superhero.  After a wonderful courtship he proposed on a mountaintop in the Galil.  They were married on a cold March evening near Jerusalem, and settled on a moshav near the airport, so near, in fact, that sometimes a landing plane would snag their laundry line.  But they didn’t care, because they had perfected the secret to living happily ever after.  Do you want to know what it is?

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Purim Is Coming — 5772 (2012)

Happy Rosh Chodesh Adar (today is the first day of the Jewish month of Adar.  The first day of the month is considered a minor holiday, and there are special prayers, observances and traditions.  Adar is an especially happy month, since the holiday of Purim takes place in Adar, and Purim is one of my favorite holidays.  Think Halloween, Mardi Gras and spring break all rolled into one amazing holiday!

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