Miriyummy Photo-Op #2

Ju-Boy collected all my blog posts to date and printed them out, with all the photos, and had them bound into a cookbook.  Based on the title, I need to add a few more main courses and salads to my repetoire.

But life should be all about the sweet stuff, no?


About Miriyummy

All I want to do is live happily ever after.

Posted on 17 November 2010, in Birthdays, Dessert, Non-food and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. Mmmm desserts. What a cute man you have.


  2. What a lovely idea!


  3. yes, yes it should! and seriously, how *sweet* is he?! can’t wait to have one of your books at my fingertips, for real! 🙂


  4. How cute is your husband, I love him in a strictly platonic way. You are very lucky to have such a nice hubby.


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